March was absolutely amazing. AFA Ostara in the South was a smashing success. Mandy and I were very glad to get the opportunity to see our Southern members and get to meet some of the best people we have in our AFA family. Thank you so much to Folkbuilder Paul Hester and his lovely wife Kelly for hosting this event. If you were unable to attend, please plan early and we would love to see you there next year.
I am very excited for all the great things we are doing and will do in 2019. Spring is a time of renewal and awakening of our energy and spirit, I hope you are all feeling charged up as well. What are your plans for this year? What do you want to achieve for your self? For your family? For our Church? Lets go out and make it happen.
As you all may have noticed, we live in very interesting times. The more we succeed and achieve, the more attention we attract, which is great and gains us more wonderful members and brings our folk home exponentially. This same growth causes increased negativity from the decaying souls around us. Through the good news and the bad, we would all do well to remember that we are Aryans, NOBLE people and we should hold our heads up and carry ourselves as such. Havamal 15 tells us:
“The son of a king | shall be silent and wise,
And bold in battle as well;
Bravely and gladly | a man shall go,
Till the day of his death is come.”
As the year unfolds, I would remind you all of the last part, be brave but also, be glad. Let us all remember to be GLAD because we get to live in the age of Asatru’s rebirth. We get to live in a time where our folk are coming home and Hofs are being established. We get to be apart of this amazing church and family that is the Asatru Folk Assembly, that makes me glad to my very bones. Life is good and we are building the golden age right now. In our hearts. In our homes. In our church.
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!
Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly