Today it is my honor to announce and welcome home The Vinland Volk Kindred of Vancouver ,British Columbia,Canada as an official kindred of the Asatru Folk Assembly. Gaining AFA affiliation is not an easy task.Kindreds must exemplify dedication, steadfastness and loyalty. They are the first AFA Kindred in North Vinland and have planted a seed that will sprout and blossom. These folks are very driven and active in their home area. It is beautiful to see our community grow and spread through out Midgard.Our children now have a future and are being raised in the ways of our Noble Ancestors.
Hail the Vinland Volk Kindred!
Hail the Kindreds of the AFA!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!!!
Jason Gallagher
Kindred Coordinator
[email protected]