New Apprentice Folkbuilder

I am very excited to announce Heather Young of South Carolina as the newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Asatru Folk Assembly. Heather is a fantastic lady that everyone who knows her is impressed by. Heather, teamed with her husband and Folkbuilder Daniel Young, will be part of an AFA power couple that will bring amazing benefits to her region and the AFA as a whole. This is great news for the AFA’s Upper South region, for Þórshof and for us all.

Hail the AFA Upper South!
Hail Heather Young!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please welcome James Secola of California as the newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Asatru Folk Assembly. Jim has been a great addition at Óðinshof, always helping and always supplying amazing pictures. The AFA West region is our biggest so we definitely need a lot of help to make the most of it. We appreciate Jim stepping up and we and excited to see what he acomplishes.

Hail James Secola!
Hail the AFA West!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join me in welcoming Timothy Dumas of Ohio as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder. Timothy will join Joe Drotos folkbuilding in Ohio and the surrounding areas. This is a part of the AFA’s Midwest region and is a region that has exploded with interest in the last few years. We are eager to help Timothy find great success in all his endeavors.

Hail Timothy Dumas!
Hail the AFA Midwest!

Categories: News

Krystal Bailey takes her Folkbuilder Oath

Yesterday, at the Óðinshof Yule celebration, Krystal Bailey took her oath as an official AFA Folkbuilder. Krystal has devoted herself to our Gods and Folk over the last few years. Often missing out on the “fun” Krystal has provided for the meals and countless other projects at Óðinshof that can too often go unappreciated. She has always and continues to take care of us. Krystal has also moved to the front of the pack in the AFA’s West region when it comes with much backend administration that helps us function as a church. We deeply appreciate Krystal’s dedication and we are proud to have her in AFA Leadership.

Hail Folkbuilder Krystal Bailey!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

The AFA is proud to announce our newest Folkbuilder, Mason Johnson of Washington state. Mason joins a dynamic team in a dynamic region. The Northwest membership has grown tremendously in the last few years and we are very excited to watch this vibrant area develop. Mason comes to us very highly recommended and we have full confidence that he will be extremely successful.

Hail Mason Johnson!
Hail the AFA Northwest!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Egil Skallagrimsson

This month, we raise a horn in honor of Egil Skallagrimsson.  His deeds make up a large portion of Egil’s Saga, which also gives a glimpse into the political, social, and cultural climate of 10th century Scandinavia.  The work offers us a working model of how the society of our ancestors worked, what they valued, and how things were done.

Egil was born in Iceland, in 904.  His poetic gifts became apparent at the age of 3 when he composed his first poem.  His ferocity also surfaced at a young age, after being cheated at a game.  Young Egil returned with an ax and split the offending party’s skull.  Both his poetry and ferocity would shape his life, sometimes at the same time. 

After a disagreement with his father, Egil set out for Norway.  While out and about with his colleagues, they were received by a servant of the king, Bard.  This man was less than hospitable towards them, until a feast later that night.  Egil began to taunt Bard viciously via poem, and Bard poisoned his drink.  Egil carved runes on the poisoned horn, and it shattered.  He then stabbed Bard and left.  While the king sent out a search party to capture Egil, the matter was eventually settled monetarily. 

Egil spent the next 5 decades touring the seas of northern Europe.  His talents and skills were showcased many more times, whether fighting for a king, erecting a nithing pole to drive an offending party away from the land, or using rune magic to cure a gravely ill woman.  Egil’s poetic gifts also remained with him throughout his life.  Some of these poems were in praise of the living, others in tribute to the dead.  Egil even composed a poem that so flattered a king, that this king spared his life.  In his final years, and in declining health, Egil returned to his native Iceland.  He died in 995, after burying his fortune. When his remains were to be moved, a priest is said to have hit Egil’s skull with an ax.  The bone is alleged to have not broken, but just turned white at the point of impact.

Egil has also found himself a topic of scientific conversation.  In the last several decades, scientists have begun to question the causes of his unusual appearance, as well as the durability of his skull.  As his father and grandfather were also described as having similar unique features, geneticists have begun to look more closely at several possibilities, leading to more genetic research involving the Folk at large.  While no conclusions have been made, new discoveries about our DNA are always a boon and may prove useful to future generations.  May Egil continue to inspire our Folk, in poetry, bravery, or discovery!

Hail Egil Skallagrimsson!

Anna Szczepanski
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

The AFA is proud to introduce Andrew Johnston of Colorado as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder! Andrew will be helping out Jason Plourde in the AFA Four Corners region, a region that is seeing increased activity recently. Let’s give Andrew a warm welcome and watch as his successes pile up.

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Adam Wayne Hart 4/12/1991- 11/29/2020

Adam Wayne Hart, was born on April 12, 1991, he left Midgard on November 29, 2020. Adam has traveled to the afterlife to join the ancestors. Remembering and honoring him will be our honor. It will be our honor to preserve your memories Adam Hart. The memories will live on with all of us, that he left behind.

Adam was a great father that was striving to be the best dad and man he could be to his 9yr old son Gunner. He was enjoying teaching him to be a man and riding his dirt bike, although Gunner was scarred of it, he was just starting to enjoy a simple trip to the park and riding in circles, and that small accomplishment was a start, and Adam was so proud of that.

Adam was a spiritual warrior, in the truest sense and took it very seriously with high importance. His knowledge of the different European Gods and ancient architecture was very impressive. He had a deep interest in esoteric beliefs. He was very intrigued with the Parthenon, he just recently got it tattooed on his forearm. A book he suggested that was a good read “Fingerprints of the Gods” written by Graham Hancock.

Adam was a Union pipe fitter with a great job he loved. He was very happy and only had two more years of school. This was a huge accomplishment for him.

Adams hobbies included body building, motorcycles, music, and nature.

“I will miss you little brother! Keep a seat warm for me in the great halls. We’ve lost a great warrior!” – Marc

“We will be there soon with you. I will miss asking the question of what you have been up to if you have been being good with a stink eye, because your nice smile and blushing cheeks always made me smile.” – Deedy

“More than anyone you were an open ear, with a different concept on life. Adam was the true meaning of perspective, was a guide through the rough because he knew at the end, it would be even better.” – Vincint

“From the day I met you I could tell you marched to a different beat than most. It was a true honor to have you be part of my family.” Chris

Adam was the most loving, kind, considerate, honest, handsome man I’ve ever had the honor of loving.” – Milena Lee

“The ever-questioning spiritual warrior, always marching forward despite all diversity. Like the wanderer, sacrificing himself to himself for greater knowledge. Until we cross paths again brother!” – Carl

“Adam loved life, working out and his motorcycle. He was faithful to his Gods and friends. He was going after the best life he could.” Jason-Stretch

Man is but a handful of dust and life is a violent storm.
As in life, so in death A man is no better and no worse
for where he is, but for what he is.
May this departed spirit continue its journey
Knowing that he will be greatly missed here in Midgard.
The Gods and Goddesses willing, may our spirits meet again
In the great halls. Hear us now our departed friend,
As the chapter closes on your life, in your honor,
Sending you our most heartfelt blessings.
May the longships guide your soul to Valhalla.

Categories: News

Paca Mactire

Today I am proud to announce The Paca Mactire Kindred of Ireland as an official Kindred of The Asatru Folk Assembly. Paca Mactire is Irish for Wolf pack. Our folk are awakening all over Midgard and coming together and forming Kindreds and growing families. There is a bright future ahead for us and our children and on and on.

Gaining Kindred recognition is not a easy thing, it takes dedication and loyalty and willingness to stand with our church and family.Thank you for stepping up and representing our great family. 

Hail the Paca Mactire Kindred!
Hail the Kindreds of the AFA!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!!!

Jason Gallagher 
AFA Kindred Coordinator
[email protected]

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join me in welcoming Joe Drotos of Ohio as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder. Joe comes very highly recommended by leadership and members alike. Joe will be joining the leadership team in the AFA’s Midwest region. Ohio, and the Midwest in general has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years and we are very excited to see how Joe helps this great region move forward.

Hail AFA Midwest!
Hail Joe Drotos!

Categories: News