New Apprentice Folkbuilder

I am excited to announce that longtime AFA member Jane Malseed of Pennsylvania has stepped forward as the newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Þórshof District! Jane is a member of Lansdale Tru Folk Kindred, home of a dynamic core of AFA leaders. We are looking forward to the wonderful things Jane will accomplish in the coming months and years!

Hail Jane Malseed!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Þórr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

The AFA is proud to announce Shea McCurdy of Oklahoma as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder in the Baldrshof District. Although in a vibrant region, Oklahoma has not had an active Folkbuilder in a very long time and we are thrilled to watch Oklahoma come alive with AFA activity!

Hail Shea McCurdy!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Baldr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Announcing Tabatha Owens of Arkansas as the Asatru Folk Assembly’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Baldrshof District! Tabatha is steppin up in a vibrant and growing area and with her fellow leaders, Arkansas and her region in general are poised for greatness. We are excited to watch what she achieves in the years and months to come.

Hail Tabatha Owens!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Baldr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

I am very excited to announce Erik Lugnet of Sweden as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder in the Þórshof District! Erik is stepping up in the AFA’s most active international location. With the help of his wife Laura, the Lugnets are poised to do great things for Sweden in the months and years to come!

Hail Erik Lugnet!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Þórr!

Categories: News

May Your Will be Done!

The AFA is encouraging ALL members in as strong an encouragement as we can to please take care of your Last Will and Testament, Living Will, and Durable Power of Attorney TODAY!

We have found an amazing website where you can do all three for FREE. Please do this. please make several ORIGINALS. Please send a signed (and notarized if necessary in your State) of each to Lawspeaker Allen Turnage PO Box 16027, Tallahassee, FL 32317.

When you do this, we will make you an Emergency Contact Card to keep in your purse or wallet.

Planning for medical emergencies and our passing is the responsible thing to do. This is the path of Order in opposition to the Chaos of putting it off until “tomorrow/someday”. I have seen too many Asatruar who did not have their wishes respected because they did not take these steps. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, please just do it NOW. We will keep copies of these documents to help in time of emergency, if no one has copies they don’t exist, if only family has copies and they choose not to use them, they do not exist. If you send the AFA copies, they DO exist and will when the need arises.

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please welcome Christopher Taylor (Now named Cormag Àlainn) of North Dakota as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder in the Baldrshof District. Chris has been very active in his District thus far. Chris is currently the Baldrshof Historian and as a member of AFA Prospective True North Kindred, Chris is active in construction and remodel work at Baldrshof. We are very excited to share in Chris’ success in the years and months to come!

Hail Chris Taylor!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Baldr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Let’s give a warm welcome to the AFA’s newest Apprentice Flokbuilder for the Baldrshof district, Justin Day of Texas. Justin comes highly recommended by Gothi Kevin Long and we are excited about his plans for growth in his state. Justin is in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area so this is a sign of great things to come in that part of the Lone Star State, in particular.

Hail Justin Day!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Baldr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join us in welcoming Heather Bedford of Virginia as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Þórshof District. Heather is a highly respected women by the members in her area and we are all excited to see the great things she is poised to do in the months and years to come!

Hail Heather Bedford!
Hail the AFA!
Hail Þórr!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

I am very proud to present to you, Joel Eastman of Wisconsin as our newest apprentice Folkbuilder for the Baldrshof District. Joel has been a very active member in his area for many years and we are thrilled that he decided to take this step. Joel joins Folkbuider James Ault in what has become a very active and growing state of Wisconsin. We are excited to watch the amazing things Joel will to in the coming months and years.

Hail Joel Eastman!
Hail Baldr!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

Hrafnagud Kindred

I am beyond honored to introduce another AFA Affiliated Kindred to the our family. Please welcome The Hrafnagud Kindred of Illinois as a official Kindred of the Asatru Folk Assembly.

Led by Apprentice Folkbuilder Jim Cummings, this tribe is made up of Doers! Some of them even traveled to Baldrshof to help with one of the work days. Gaining Kindred recognition is not a easy thing, it takes dedication and loyalty and willingness to stand with our church and family. AFA Kindreds are the local congregations of dedicated members that host events all over Midgard.

Thank you Hrafnagud Kindred for stepping up and representing our church and being a beacon for our folk coming home.

Hail Hrafnagud Kindred!
Hail the Kindreds of the AFA!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!!!

Categories: News