The AFA is encouraging ALL members in as strong an encouragement as we can to please take care of your Last Will and Testament, Living Will, and Durable Power of Attorney TODAY!
We have found an amazing website where you can do all three for FREE. Please do this. please make several ORIGINALS. Please send a signed (and notarized if necessary in your State) of each to Lawspeaker Allen Turnage PO Box 16027, Tallahassee, FL 32317.
When you do this, we will make you an Emergency Contact Card to keep in your purse or wallet.
Planning for medical emergencies and our passing is the responsible thing to do. This is the path of Order in opposition to the Chaos of putting it off until “tomorrow/someday”. I have seen too many Asatruar who did not have their wishes respected because they did not take these steps. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, please just do it NOW. We will keep copies of these documents to help in time of emergency, if no one has copies they don’t exist, if only family has copies and they choose not to use them, they do not exist. If you send the AFA copies, they DO exist and will when the need arises.