Happy May Day! I hope everyone was/is able to dance with your AFA family around the maypole and infuse this year with willful fecundity. Mandy and I just returned from an amazing AFA Hexennacht in the South. I want to give a heart felt thank you to our Upper South Folkbuilder Paul Hester. Paul and his lovely wife Kelly gave so much of themselves to make this event a success and they were able to bring down-home hospitality to all those who attended. I never cease to be impressed by the increasing quality of our national events, those of you who have attended can surely attest that the intimacy and family feeling gets better each time.
I am very proud of all the activity I have been seeing lately from the AFA. We have AFA Kindreds being established all over the country, not to mention in Sweden and Australia! Through the efforts of Folkbuilder Cameron Mottus and the colossal generosity of YOU amazing folk, we were able to raise and send much needed relief money to folks suffering in South Africa. Everywhere I look, new AFA babies are being born and AFA ladies and gentlemen are marrying each other, building strong relationships based on shared values and beliefs. Those of you who have been in Asatru for a long time know that this sort of thing was not always the case. The growth of, not only AFA members, but AFA families is a powerful testament to the legitimacy of our church and its bright future.
I want to finish by inviting you to attend AFA Midsummer at Óðinshof in June. Midsummer at the Hof is the biggest AFA event each year and it is a truly special event. If you have not been to our/ your Hof, it is hard to describe how it feels to have a place of our own, something real and permanent. I want to share that feeling with all of you. If you have been to Óðinshof, then you know how special it is and we want to have you back, for Midsummer. This year’s event will be an amazing celebration of our Folk and our Gods and we invite all our AFA family to come on out and be with us.
To all of you who have donated your hard earned money, thank you. To all of you who have donated your precious time, thank you. To those bold folk who have stepped up to become leaders in our AFA, thank you. Together we are a mighty force for our Gods and our Folk.
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!
Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly
[email protected]