Welcome to the Asatru Folk Assembly Library! The AFA has produced countless documents over the decades. These Documents highlight the growth and development of our church and of Asatru as a whole. These documents are our history. Volunteers are hard at work digitizing and archiving these documents so that they might not be lost to the sands of time. Check back frequently as this is an ongoing process. I hope you all enjoy seeing where we came from, where we are, and where we are headed.
- Asatru Declaration of Purpose
- Asatru Gods & Goddesses: the Æsir & Ásynjur
- Asatru Holy Days & Remembrance Days
- Asatru Law of the Hall
- Asatru Sacred Texts: The Elder Eddas and the Younger Eddas
- Asatru Statement of Ethics
- Asatru AFA Calendar
- Asatru AFA News
- Asatru About AFA
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