from The Runestone: Spring 1986 #55
It’s only been a couple of months since we announced our determination to purchase land for the Asatru Free Assembly; the response from our readers has been very encouraging indeed. Right now we’re just over 20% of the way to our first goal of $5,ooo. It’s becoming quite clear that we’re going to succeed – the only question is when!
Of course, the $5,000 goal represents only the first hurdle. It should provide a minimal down payment on a hunk of unimproved land. After that we’ll have to struggle with monthly payments and with funds for roads, a hall, temple, shelters, power and other things we will have to add over the years. But we’re on the way thanks to you.
In related developments, we’ve located among our number an architectural draftsman who’s going to be bringing more of our concepts to life. (You’ll be seeing some of his material in future Runestones). Craftspeople of all sorts have generously donated pieces of their work for the auction at Althing Seven to benefit the Land Fund. Good things are happening!
Visions of just what we can do with this land, once acquired, continue to come in from people like yourselves. Some things, like shelters, temple sites, and meeting places are obvious. Others are less so. Some have suggested a store located off the premises that would sell goods produced by Asafolk. Others have proposed arrangements where selected outsiders could come to be introduced to our Gods. A place for training gothar, gythjur, and healers might be built. So could a youth camp – and of course a school. A library could be built to benefit all Asafolk, and a resource center might aid the production of books, pamphlets and audio and visual tapes. Certainly the opportunities for serving our Gods and our Folk will be many!
But all this lies in the future. It can begin happening in a year or two, if we all get behind it – or it can drag out for five years or more if the idea loses steam. We are off to a good start, but we need your help to make it. If you haven’t sent in a contribution, please consider doing so. This is the chance to take an active part in the ongoing history of a movement – a chance to give the Gods a place that they can be specially honored – a chance to serve our people. Let’s prove that Asafolk are doers, not just dreamers! If you send $15 or more, we will send you a carved reminder of our appreciation, bearing the special symbol of the project.