“Forseti is the name of the son of Baldr and Nanna daughter of Nep: he has that hall in heaven which is called Glitnir. All that come to him with such quarrels as arise out of law-suits, all these return thence reconciled. That is the best seat of judgment among gods and men; thus it is said here:
A hall is called Glitnir, | with gold ‘t is pillared,
And with silver thatched the same;
There Forseti bides | the full day through,
And puts to sleep all suits.”
– Gylfagining
Forseti is the God of mediation and peace through sound judgments. We live in tumultuous times, strife and conflict swirl all around us. It is right and proper to be in conflict with our foes. It is wrong to abide conflict within the hall and within our AFA family. Forseti blesses us with good judgments and with mediation. Justice is not about punishment; justice is about making something that was broken whole once more.
May we honor Forseti by having a mind towards mending the kin-fence. May we honor Forseti by trusting the judgments and mediations of our Gothar. May sound judgment take the place of emotional reaction.
Hail Forseti!