I have the profound pleasure and honor to talk to you this month about a great man, a man that all Germanic people owe a debt of gratitude to. Hermann Von Cherusci, known to the Romans as Arminius. Hermann was born into a royal family of the Cherusci tribe in either 17 or 18 BC in Germania. As a child, he was a hostage to the Roman empire. Hermann was afforded every luxury in Rome and learned the ways of the Roman empire. He eventually earned his Roman citizenship and was made a Roman Knight due to his capability as a Roman officer and soldier fighting in the great Illyrian revolt.
Soon after Hermann’s service in Illyria, he was sent Germania as a commander to help Governor Publius Quintillus Varus complete the conquest of the Germanic tribes. The Romans trusted Hermann to command Roman troops against his own people, but Hermann had other plans. Secretly Hermann worked at uniting several Germanic troops and plot against the invading Roman army.
Hermann knew the Romans were incredibly capable on open ground, and it was suicide to take on the legions in an open field, so he convinced Varus to march the legions through the now-famous Teutoburg forest. The Germanic warriors had the advantage in the deep forest, it was their home ground and a place they felt comfortable, whereas Romans were not accustomed to deep woods and had a healthy fear of the forest. Once in the Teutoburg forest, the legions were destroyed by the combined effort of several Germanic tribes. Stopping cold the march of Rome into Germania.
After the seminal battle of Teutoburg Forest, The Romans made several small attempts to again invade Germania. Notably, Hermann’s own brother, a Roman officer, was involved in the fighting and a plot that had Hermann’s wife and child captured and be lost forever into Roman Hands. All further Roman incursions into Germania were defeated and Rome never was able to conquer or cow Germania.
Hail Hermann! If Hermann had not been successful, Germania may well have fallen to roman arms and been subject to the Germanic culture being subjugated to the Roman ways, much as happened to the Celts of Gaul. We owe thanks to the great Hermann for two thousand years of continued German culture and language. Despite the incredible personal cost to himself, Hermann never wavered from love and service to his folk. He gave up a life of privilege and luxury in the greatest empire of the classical world in order to fight for his people. Hermann lost his family, his own brother was made enemy, and yet Hermann still persisted in his dedication to his people.
Herman would be eventually assassinated by other Germanic nobles, fearful of the great power he had amassed, but his legacy lives on. Hermann and his honor and dedication serve as a powerful example for our folk to follow. Hermann is still beloved by Germans today, his statue looms over the forest where he had his greatest triumph as a stark reminder that Germanic spirit will not be conquered.
Rob Stamm
Asatru Folk Assembly